November 21, 2020

Celebrating World Fisheries Day


World Fishing Day is celebrated on November 21. Through fishing, fishermen and fisherwomen guarantee the feeding of their families, generate economic resources for their sustenance and contribute to a large production chain of this important food resource for different populations.

November 17, 2020

Talking about basin levels

At first glance, rivers can be seen as lines flowing in their courses, delimited by their margins. But rivers influence the surrounding landscape, creating connections in very diverse ecosystems. Understanding these connections and classifying them is one way of making sense of the space. Watersheds are units that help us in that process and are used by agencies or authorities to manage freshwaters.

November 17,  2020

First International Congress on the Peruvian Amazon

The International Congress on the Peruvian Amazon will take place between November 23 and 27, 2020. The event will be virtual and is organized by the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP), in collaboration with the Peruvian Ministry of Environment, the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the University of the Peruvian Amazon (UNAP).

November 17, 2020

Celebrating World Fish Migration Day

World Fish Migration Day is a global celebration to address this important issue and raise awareness about interconnected rivers and migratory fish. The World Fish Migration Foundation is leading the initiative and organizations around the world are actively participating through events that connect fish, rivers and people.

November 17, 2020

What’s new in Ictio data

As of September 2020, Ictio had 38 001 observations in 20 089 checklists uploaded via the app and the web platform. This is the result of 240 users and institutions sharing data. This data comes from 148 sub-basins in the Amazon, representing 74% of the total of 199 sub-basins at BL4 level (according to Venticinque et al. 2016 and A New GIS-Based River Basin Framework for Aquatic Ecosystem Conservation in the Amazon). This is 620 more observations (a 2% increase) compared to data as of July 3, 2020. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is noticeable.

November 13, 2020

CINCIA carries out Ictio training with fishermen from Puerto Maldonado (Madre de Dios - Peru)

The Center for Scientific Innovation in the Amazon (CINCIA), with support from WCS, brought together 14 fishermen from Puerto Maldonado (Peru) to participate in a training workshop for use of the Ictio application.  The event took place on November 13 and was implemented following the prevention measures set forth for COVID-19 in Peru.  


Un hombre con mascarilla está de pié presentando unos gráficos. Un grupo de cinco personas, sentadas manteniendo un metro de distancia entre sí, mira la presentación.

November 9, 2020

The piraiba, an unbeknownst giant


The piraiba (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) is a giant fish that can grow up to 3,6 meters and weigh up to 200 kg - the biggest fish in the Amazon. There are several theories about its behaviour. For instance, it is said that the piraibas like to turn over fishermen's canoes. Stradelli, in his 1929 Nheengatu-Portuguese Vocabulary (published in Portuguese, page 608), states the fish’s name would mean: Pira=Fish; ayua=Bad, but this "bad" could be rather related to the unappreciated taste of its meat. Other stories call piraiba the mother of all fish. 


Pescador parado sobre una canoa en un río tranquilo, con una piraíba casi tan grande como él delante y un atado de plátanos detrás.

 16 de octubre  del 2020

Citizen Science to strengthen citizenship and environmental culture in schools: the case of San Juan del Oro in Puno

 How can we do Citizenship Science in schools? A pilot project of the Citizen Science Network for the Amazon, led by WCS, has put this challenge into practice, together with students, teachers and managers in the district of San Juan del Oro (Puno - Peru). 

September  22, 2020

“Citizen Science from the Iberoamerican perspective”: poster presentation at the ECSA 2020 - Encounters in Citizen Science.

The Iberoamerican Network of Open and Participatory Science (RICAP) presented the ePoster "Citizen Science from the Iberoamerican perspective: an overview and reflections from RICAP" at the ECSA 2020 conference - Encounters in Citizen Science.

September 14, 2020

The importance of an integral vision for fishing conflicts

Natural resources are often the subject of conflicts generated by the tension between different interests. In the Amazon, as in other regions, fishing activity can generate conflicts within the same community or between communities, between traditional fishermen, sport fishing or between commercial fishermen. Disputes can be over common resources, specific fishing areas, or even between different economic activities. The state also plays an important role in participatory conflict management and needs to be involved. 


September 7, 2020

Climate change can damage tambaqui's reproduction in the Amazon

By Jonatas da Silva Castro, con la colaboración de Maria Cecília Gomes and Vanessa Eyng.


How does the quality of the water affect the fish and, consequently, the fishing and the life of the riparian populations? The results presented in the recently published article "High temperature, pH and hypoxia cause oxidative stress and harm the spermatozoa performance of Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum" may help in this reflection. In the article, the authors evaluate the effects of climate change on the quality of the spermatozoa of the Colossoma macropomum, the gamitana, a fish of great importance for the Amazon region.

 August 14, 2020


  The great challenges of managing fisheries across borders

By Carolina Doria, Guillermo Estupiñán and Vanessa Eyng


In the Amazon Basin, most rivers originate mainly in the Andes region, covering long distances between several countries. Within the borders where countries exercise their sovereignty, their legislation on natural resources is in dialogue with the flow of the ecosystem. The management of resource use and extractive activities, such as fishing, must consider that natural resources are shared and interconnected at scales that exceed national limits. How should natural resource management, especially fisheries management, be thought of in these areas?



August 4, 2020

The richness in talking about fish

Among the many riches that the Amazon Basin brings us, fish are one of the most important. For the people who live there, the fish are also their companions in the Amazon rainforest. Beings with whom one lives, interacting in the creation of senses for the world. They are food, a source of protein and various nutrients that cannot be missing from meals. At the same time, they are sources of income for families. Fishing is a knowledge that passes between different generations.


August 4, 2020

What are the citizen scientists registering in Ictio this 2020?


As of July 8, 2020, 231 users shared more than 3,500 fishing lists via the Ictio application. This is approximately 900 tons of fish registered in 58 BL4 basins since 2018.




July 22, 2020

First Assembly of the Citizen Science for the Amazon Network

In June 2020 the Citizen Science Network virtually held its 1st General Assembly of Socixs. As a framework for the governance of the Network, the General Assembly appointed the 1st Steering Committee and approved the Closing Report of the Management Group, which led the management of the Network between February 2018 and June 2020. The Minutes of the Assembly are available here. 

July  16,2020

Is it possible to promote more responsible artisanal mining?  

Facing the challenges of mining is necessary and urgent. This requires effective solutions for prevention, remediation and environmental restoration, in addition to rethinking supply chains and the generation and use of reliable data for management. Promoted by Conservation X Labs, the Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge seeks projects that respond to the challenge of developing more responsible artisanal mining around the world. . 

July 16, 2020

Birds uniting continents

By Vanessa Eygn and Claudia Acosta


Many species of birds are great migrants. They migrate in flocks, crossing the sky and stopping in different natural areas where they stop to feed and rest. Many times they travel from north to south, following the changing seasons. 

June 10, 2020

Through the Amazon rivers

By Claudia Acosta, Gina Leite, Guido Herrera y Vanessa Eyng.

The Amazon is the largest and most biodiverse freshwater system in the world, its numbers are impressive. The Amazon Basin covers 7 million km² and corresponds to the largest rainforest in the world. The large amount of water is what makes it so special: its floodable forests, rivers, lakes and other wetlands represent 14% of the area of the Amazon Basin. 

May 25, 2020

An impressive migration is interrupted

By Claudia Acosta, Fabrice Duponchele, Gina Leite, Guido Miranda y Vanessa Eyng.

A journey of almost 11 thousand kilometers. In between, the dorado, Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii, travels the Amazon Basin in its life cycle, from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. But as with any movement, even of people, the road must be free for movement to occur. 

May 25, 2020

The smaller of the smaller - migration is not just a matter of size

By Vanessa Eyng and Guido Miranda

The Tacana people are located in the Bolivian Amazon. Many of its members live in the Tacana Community Land of Origin, on the plains of the Beni River. When the Tacana want to accentuate something in their language, they repeat the word. Let's take an example. The word chipi, in tacana, means small. If something is too small, the chipi becomes chipi chipi. The double leaves no doubt: we are talking about the smallest.


May 23, 2020

Looking at the turtles of the Amazon and the importance of monitoring them

By Camila Fagundes and Camila Ferrara - WCS Brasil 


The turtles of the Amazon, like many other animals, move between aquatic spaces, areas of floodable forest and along the beaches that form on the shores in times of drought. The beaches are particularly important, because they are areas where they lay their eggs.

May 22, 2020

Biodiversity on the move



The Citizen Science Network for the Amazon is an initiative that brings together different organizations and individuals. In this way we collaborate to empower citizens and generate knowledge about the fish and aquatic ecosystems of the Amazon Basin. Our focus is precisely the largest and most biodiverse freshwater system in the world!

April 15, 2020

New partners of the Citizen Science Network for the Amazon


The Citizen Science Network for the Amazon is growing. Welcome to todxs; it is a pleasure to collaborate with you! As of March 31, 2020, 20 organizations and 3 individuals from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, the United States and France are members of the Network.  Amazon. Which fish were the most registered.

April 15, 2020

Citizen scientists and organizations sharing information


As of March 31, 2020, we are 229 citizen scientists using the Ictio application. More activists are doing registrations in Jutaí, Madeira, Madre de Dios, Pachitea, Putumayo, in the Amazon river and Tapajós. And together with the citizen scientists, eight institutions have integrated their data to the platform. These data make up our aggregated base and allow us to understand more about the fishing and fish in the Amazon Basin. Which fish were the most registered.


April 9, 2020

Ictio App: Monitoring Amazon fish

By Fish TV, Brazil


That there are migratory species, we know. But what if I said you could be part of mapping them? Now, the sport fishermen who download the Ictio application, an initiative of the Citizen Science for the Amazon project, will help generate a database that, among other purposes, contributes to the conservation of species.

April 7, 2020

Amazon Fish database integrates with

Amazon Fish/ Ictio


The Amazon Fish consortium integrates its fresh water fish database with the Ictio platform. Together with records from other sources, the data will be available as part of the Ictio database.

September 8, 2019

Monitoring app makes young indigenous into scientists citizens

Society for Research and Environmental Protection / SAPOPEMA


In Aldeia Solimões in a few months the students got used to the platform that integrates data on the migratory process of fish that sail thousands of kilometers and pass through the lakes of the indigenous community located on the left bank of the Tapajós River in the Tapajós/Arapiuns extractive reserve.

June 3, 2019

Professors teach curriculum subjects taking Amazonian culture into the classroom

By Julia de Freitas and Vanessa Eyng


Teachers from the municipality of Tefé, in the Amazon, started the activities of the pedagogical project Amazon Basin: Connectivity, Migration and Citizen Science in the classroom. The objective of the program is to develop citizenship and environmental education through themes known to students living in the Middle Solimões region of Central Amazonia.

17 de noviembre del 2020

Novedades en los datos de Ictio

Al 30 de septiembre de 2020, Ictio cuenta con 38 001 observaciones en 20 089 listas subidas vía la aplicación y la plataforma web. Este es el resultado del trabajo de 240 personas e instituciones compartiendo datos. Estos datos provienen de 148 subcuencas de la Amazonía, lo que representa el 74% del  total de las 199 subcuencas nivel BL4 (conforme Venticinque et al. 2016 (disponible en inglés). Representa solo 620 observaciones más (un incremento de 2%) en comparación con los datos al 3 de julio de 2020. El efecto de la pandemia COVID-19 se está haciendo notar.